Insertion of invoices in the comprehensive trading system / Kadhai discounts

Minister Samet said: By entering the invoices in the comprehensive trade system, the inspections will become intelligent and the monitoring of the market will be done without the intervention of the human factor. According to  the Mehr news agency  , citing the Ministry of Security, Seyed Reza Fatemi Amin, in a meeting with the retail network (Asnaf […]

The latest trade statistics of Iran with Eurasia in 1400

According to  Ekhtaz News  , quoted by the Young Journalists Club, the customs spokesman said: In 1400, more than 13,127,000 tons of goods worth five billion and 643 million dollars were exchanged between Iran and the members of the Eurasian Economic-Customs Union. Ruholah Latifi said: In 1400, trade between Iran and the members of the Eurasian Economic-Customs […]