Emphasizing the necessity of smartening and transparency in the executive processes of the country, the first vice president said: Until the intervention of human resources and the application of executive tastes are eliminated, the basis for the development of the country will not be provided.

According to  Mehr news agency , Mohammad Mokhbar, the first vice president, this morning (Tuesday) during the sixth meeting to review the latest priority projects of electronic government and comprehensive business system, while congratulating Imam Sajjad (a.s.) on his birthday, referring to the reports presented in the meeting. Regarding the performance of the executive bodies to advance the e-government programs and this system, he said: One of the blessings of the youth of the ministers and officials of the executive bodies is that they have enough will to transform traditional and physical methods into scientific and electronic methods, and this This can lead to process reform and transformation.

Pointing out that a large part of the main needs of the people depend on a few executive bodies, he clarified: the driving engine of the country’s economy is also the same few executive bodies that if the smartening, transparency and electronicization of the processes in these important ministries are implemented, the executive processes and The performance of other devices will also be transformed and transparent.

The first vice president stated that the program of clarifying and electronicizing the processes in the 13th government is being pursued seriously, and added: the completion of these programs requires legal and legal support and it is necessary to provide the basis for the implementation of the programs by delegating powers and granting the necessary permits. Provide electronic government.

Emphasizing the point that the full realization of electronic government requires the cooperation and cooperation of all the agencies, the informant continued: Considering some case resistance in the body of some executive bodies that can be caused by conflict of interests or ignorance of people, it is necessary to reach an agreement with It should be done by the highest official of each executive body so that we can witness the removal of obstacles and the removal of upcoming knots based on a specific schedule.

The informant referred to the customs as one of the most important executive bodies for the trade and economy of the country and added: the root of the problems and disturbances in the customs is the existence of some traditional and physical processes and if all the processes and duties of the customs become electronic and transparent, the root of many Violations and abuses will be stopped and problems such as the accumulation of goods in ports and the phenomenon of smuggling, which are serious damages to domestic production, will be prevented.

He considered the completion and full implementation of e-government as one of the country’s most important priorities and said: government agility can only be done through the completion of e-government, and if e-government and its sub-systems are fully operational, effective steps will be taken in dismantling corruption networks and Facilitation of people’s business processes will be removed.

In this meeting, a report on the progress of the comprehensive trade system, electronic signature, online order registration without human intervention, as well as the physical removal of intercity transport bills of lading was presented, and it was decided that the executive bodies should set a specific schedule to complete their duties in order to make the system operational. Provide comprehensive business.

In this meeting, which was attended by the ministers of industry, mining and trade, economic affairs and finance, and the president’s adviser on industrial and special economic free trade zones, a report was also presented on the latest progress of electronic government programs and the extent of implementation of the tasks of the executive bodies in this field. became.

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